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  • Writer's pictureVincent Barletta

How do we fix the problem of global warming?

We need to act right away if we want to avoid the worst effects of climate change. This includes using fewer fossil fuels and switching to energy from the sun, wind, and water. To reach these goals, governments, businesses, and people from all over the world must work together. Here are a few things you can do to help.

Carbon dioxide gets into the air in large amounts when fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas are burned. This gas keeps heat in the air, which changes the climate. We need to use less of these fossil fuels if we want to slow down climate change. It's also a good way to protect the environment and improve health.

Cutting back on fossil fuel use protects the planet from the worst effects of climate change, like rising sea levels, extreme weather, and food shortages. It helps reduce air pollution and the number of toxins that get into the environment.

As the world's energy needs keep increasing, we must find new ways to make power. This means we need to find ways to use fewer fossil fuels and switch to renewable energy. Renewable energy comes from sources that can be used again and again, like the sun, the wind, rivers (hydroelectric power), hot springs (geothermal energy), tides (tidal power), and plants (biomass) (biofuels).

When they are running, these technologies make electricity without releasing any CO2. They can be used to make many things, from transportation and manufacturing to heating and lighting. But there are more reasons to switch to renewable energy than to be "green." It can help keep natural gas and coal prices from rising, boost the economy, and create millions of new jobs.

A big switch to renewable energy could make electricity more reliable, especially if we invested in smarter grids and built more storage for renewable resources. It could also make communities healthier, clean the air, and protect the environment.

At COP26, the climate talks focused almost entirely on green technology and finance. There wasn't much attention paid to a systemic effort to organize the changes in consumption patterns needed to reach our shared goal of keeping global warming to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius.

One way to reduce our overall consumption, which adds to greenhouse gas emissions, is to avoid using goods and services with a high carbon intensity throughout their entire lifecycle. This means not taking long-distance flights and buying products made nearby or from plant-based materials.

Reducing consumption also helps improve air quality and ensures enough food and water. Studies have shown that we can reduce carbon emissions by as much as a third if we eat less meat and dairy. Many cities' plans to fight climate change include goals and actions related to consumption. This is a step in the right direction toward making sustainable consumption a more accepted part of the solution to climate change.

One of the easiest and least expensive ways to save money on energy bills, clean the air, and help stop climate change is to use energy more efficiently. It also helps businesses make more money, be more competitive, and make our country a better place to live.

We need clear policy signals to get these results, like systems that charge per ton of CO2 released. They show companies that it is in their best interest to stop polluting, switch to programs and products with less carbon, and invest in new, cleaner technologies.

Improving the efficiency of existing buildings is also a key way to reduce emissions and slow climate change. This means adding more insulation, using energy-efficient appliances, and designing buildings to use renewable energy.

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